Sponsored by the Canadian Wood Council, winning projects will be featured in the upcoming 2011 “Wood Design Awards” book.

AIA NEW ENGLAND AWARDS 2011: First Honor Awards


This project is not a restoration, but a renovation that enters into a dialogue with the original Neutra House. It respects Neutra’s detailing but inserts its own minimalist detailing where appropriate. It is lovely to see work performed by an architect who revered details as Neutra did. For a landmark project like this, the owner and architect have to have a common vision; the new work done exemplified that relationship and takes neutral into the 21st Centrury. A wonderful procession from pavilion to pavilion. It’s a success story of what the architect “did not do”.

This project has exquisite detail; the architect knows how to use materials. Volumetrically it is a hybrid, producing views from the inside of the house back to the outside., establishing a relationship between inside and out and making the inside interesting. On this very narrow, small lot, the architects found a way to form protection on the sides of the house. On the inside there is a certain crispness to detailing. The house almost has a human quality to it- with the outside “aggressive” and the inside open and generous. The interior is skillfully detailed even down to the window sills: the joining of materials is done well.
MOMA > Second Wave of Modernism > November 2011
Today designers are returning to modernist sites with new motivations, attempting to balance the complex values of natural and cultural systems. To investigate this significant evolution of professional practice.
Joeb was the moderator and speaker in the “Residential Transformation” section that explored landscape transformations at residential, urban and metropolitan scales. The lecture was titled:
“The Emergence of Biological Thinking: Inner and Outer Landscapes in the Expanded Field of Design”
Other speakers included; James Corner (James Corner Field Operations), Kathryn Gustafson (Gustafson Guthrie Nichol), Gary Hilderbrand (Reed Hilderbrand), Charles Renfro (Diller Scofidio + Renfro), Michael Van Valkenburgh (Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates, Inc.), and others.
_____________________________CENTERBROOK LECTURE SERIES > Essex, CT
“House, Form and Culture”
Joeb was a part of the Centerbrook Lecture Series at the Essex Library on February 3rd, an event sponsored by Centerbrook Architects & Planners and the Essex Library.

AIA – SC Design Awards 2012
Joeb will be Chair of the jury for the 2012 AIA SC Design Awards, and will be speaking as host at the awards reception on April 14th. Other jury members this year include Thomas Phifer and Mario Gooden.
Clemson School of Architecture Pavilion Opening Ceremony
A ceremony celebrating the completion of the Lee Hall expansion, designed by Thomas Phifer + Partners Architects will be held April 13th at Clemson’s College of Architecture, Arts and Humanities. In conjunction with his chairmanship of the AIA SC Awards, Joeb has been invited to speak along side Thomas Phifer at the Dedication.


AIA CRAN – 2012 Symposium, Newport, September
Joeb Moore will give a lecture in Newport, RI symposium on the “uses and abuses of history in modern and classical architecture.” |
STONINGTON > CTBuilt during WWII, the Stonington Residence was an early work of architect John Lincoln. Joeb + Partners is currently restoring and renovating the existing building. Due to the nature of the materials and construction methods used on the original building including a granite wall that runs through the center of the house, the design and construction of the new work has become akin to an archeological investigation.

Preliminary mock-up of corrugated metal:

Restoration of Existing Stone walls;


PLACES TO VISITLong House Institute > East Hampton NYLocated on a 16 acre reserve in East Hampton, NY, the Long House brings together art, nature, aesthetics and spirit with a strong conviction that the arts are central to living wholly and creatively. Through its arboretum, sculpture gardens, and educational programs, the Long House encourages a broad concept of learning. 2011 marked the 20th Anniversary of the Long House with a celebration titled White Hot and Blue featuring the sculptures of Dale Chihuly. For more information visit the Reserve’s website:
Gagosian Gallery > Chelsea, NY > “The Complete Spot Paintings” > Damien Hirst
Jan 12 – March 10, 2012

MoMA > “FORECLOSURE > Rehousing the American Dream”
Feb. 15 – July 30 2012
Yale School of Architecture Gallery > “Massimo Scolari: The Representation of Architecture”
Feb. 6 to May 4, 2012
The exhibition explores the arc of Scolari’s career from 1967 to 2012, with some 160 paintings, watercolors, and drawings, most with architectural and urban subjects; a scaled-down iteration of a monumental sculpture created for the 1991 Venice Biennale; and ten architectural models. Together, these illuminate the complex, ongoing interaction in Scolari’s work between architecture and its methods and mediums of representation.

PALM SPRINGS > Kaufmann House > Richard Neutra
 CHANDIGARH> India > Chandigarh High Court > Le CorbusierCapital Complex:
Corbusier Architecture school:
SWITZERLAND > Zurich / Graubunden Canton
Torben Hiehler, *1973
Matterhorn, 2002

Switzerland > Kunsthaus Museum
Here Rodin’s masterwork of 40 years, “Gates to Hell” play out against the Kunsthaus, a monumental and spartan stone building.

Sarah Oppenheimer
Oppenheimer’s work typically uses architectural interventions to examine how we perceive space. Her installations often create disorienting or puzzling illusions that lead the viewer to question what s/he thought they knew about their position or orientation within a building.
This year Joeb Moore & Partners feature color is Klein Blue. For reference, Yves Klein appropriated and ritualized the color blue to the point that he created and named the blue “Klein Blue.” This infatuation with Blue began when he was a boy. While playing with his friends each appropriated a color of the world. Klein chose the sky as his base element and conceptual primitive. He never let go of it. It was the trigger for his artwork for the rest of his life.
Blue and the theory of impregnation towards the immaterial, Klein presented eleven canvasses, although identical, were not appreciated equally by the public, and subsequently were sold differently. Thereafter, Klein concluded that each painting, as well as its material reality, was impregnated with an immaterial quality that made it distinct from the others.

Untitled Blue Sponge Relief, 1960
In the continuation of his work on pictorial space, Klein turned his attention to space itself, in other words the void, as specified in his theory of impregnation.
This work, leap into the void, was a dedication to his exploration of the void.
So Klein really did jump, thus experimenting and impregnating himself with the immaterial qualities of the void, so that he could transmit them to his artworks.

Saut dans le vide, October 1960
Klein created Anthropometries in which he recorded the body’s physical energy, using nude models who Klein called “living brushes”.

Anthropometrie sans titre, 1960
Apparently, Smurfs are big in Switzerland.
These guys were found in the storefront of a famous architecture firm. True story. 